Our Impact

Round Two, December 2020
Winter Relief Aid

The Blaine & Preciosa Tamaki Foundation launched the second round of funding to the public in December 2020. After receiving almost 70 grant applications from various nonprofits, Preciosa added an Advisory Committee to help counsel the Foundation team in the final stages of decision making. The Advisory Committee was chosen by Blaine and consisted of the following members:

  • Sharon Miracle, Yakima Valley Community Foundation President and CEO

  • Dulce Gutierrez, Union, Community and Naturalization Organizer; U.S. Department of Justice Accredited Representative; Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO

  • Eric Silvers, Owner of Small Business for 30+ Years 

After finalizing the Winter Relief Aid grant recipients, the Foundation team and Advisory Committee awarded $141,500 to 24 nonprofits in Central Washington prioritizing organizations that addressed basic needs related to food insecurities, shelters, winter and COVID-19 challenges.

The nonprofits below are linked to their website with more information.